Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Experiment No 2B

Date of Assignment : 26-09-2020

Last Dates of Submission
           Program Code  : 03-10-2020
           Documentation : 06-10-2020

Write a program in C to find the solution of the given problem using Simplex Method.

Minimize Z= 3x1 + 8x2
Subject to,
          x1 + x2  = 200
          x1      <= 80
               x2 >= 60
          x1,  x2 >= 0

How to submit your assignments

You need to send the following files to the email-id
1) Properly aligned .c program code file
2) .odt/ .doc file containing the entire documentation with all the essential sub-titles,
    1. Problem Statement: Given with the experiment
    2. Problem Specification: All specifications that are essential to compute the givenproblem
    3. Theory: Basic theory behind the method
    4. Algorithm
    5. Program Code: File name of the program code must be mentioned.
    6. Outputs: must be in tabular format.
    7. Conclusion: All the observations from the experiment.
3) Header of the file will contain Assignment No, Experiment No, Date of Experiment.
4) Footer must contain page no.
5) All the files should be named as Exp_XX_YourName with proper extension(.c/ .odt/ .doc/ .pdf etc)
B) After the last date, the experiment will not be received for submission as completed assignment but you will be able to do the next experiment.

C) Your Assignment Number will follow the serial number as 01, 02, 03 and so on, e.g. if you submitted experiment 1A as assignment 01, but missed experiment 1B to submit by the given time, then you may submit experiment 1C as assignment 02.

D) Check the outputs of your program code and verify the output is feasible or not. If it is found that, your output is not correct at any future time, your assignment will be rejected and will not be eligible for signature.

E) Receiving of any assignment does not means that the content are verified for correctness & accepted. If at any future time it is found that, your assignment contains any wrong/ misleading information, it will be rejected.

F) It is for your safety, do not share any program code to anyone, in any form of digital media. If it is found that, any two/ more program code having such similarity of copying, all such assignments will be rejected. So, you must be careful when copying anything from any website through internet. It may also be copied by someone else, so, as a result, you both will fall under the copy write act and both assignments is eligible for rejection.

G) For any confusion/ Query you may mail me to the email id. Note that, all e-mails must be send between 11am to 5pm only. Any email beyond this time will not be entertained. Mention proper subject with every mail.