Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Graphical Method(using Iso-profit or Iso-Cost) for LP Problems

The graphic solution procedure is one method for solving two(2) variable linear programming problems.

The graphical method involves following steps:

  1. Formulate the Problem: Obtain the objective function & constraints.
  2. Plot each constraints: Consider each inequations as equation. Then plot each constraints. 
  3. Identify the feasible region: The area that satisfies all the constraints is called feasible region.
  4. Calculate the optimal solution using Iso-profit or Iso-Cost model: 
    1. Assume some arbitrary Zt(any value) in the objective function. Draw the line against it.
    2. All the lines with different Z1, Z2, etc will be parallel to the previous line, i.e. putting value larger than Zt will produce a line away from origin w.r.t the line with Zt and putting value smaller than Zt will produce a line toward origin w.r.t the line with Zt.
    3. We need to move the line according to the optimization specification. The extreme may be point or a line. If it is a point, then unique solution will be obtained. In case line appear at the extreme, there are infinite number of solutions. 

Example 01

Consider the following problem,
Objective function: maximize Z= 1000X + 850Y
Subject to,
 X +  Y <= 11.............................................(1)
6X + 5Y <= 60.............................................(2)
   X, Y >= 0..............................................(3)

Constraint (1) is assumed to be X + Y = 11. Figure 1a shows the region satisfying constraint (1) & (3). Point A(0, 11) on Y axis and point B(11, 0) on X  axis satisfies the constraint (1). Now draw a straight line connecting A and B. Consider the origin is at C(0, 0). So, the area bounded by A, B & C is the region satisfying constraint (1) & (3).

Again, constraint (2) is assumed to be 6X + 5Y = 60. In the X-axis the point D, where, Y=0, so, X=10 and in the Y-axis the point E, where, X=0, so, Y=12. Thus, point D(10, 0) on the X-axis and point E(0, 12) on the Y-axis satisfies constraint (2). The area bounded by C, D, E is the region satisfies constraint (2) & (3) is shown in figure 1b

The intersection point of both the straight line is assumed as F. We can calculate the value of X and Y at the point F by solving the following two equations,
X + y = 11...................................................(4)
6X + 5Y = 60.................................................(5)

Multiplying, equation (4) by 6 we get, 6X + 6Y = 66..........(6)
Now, subtracting equation (5) from equation (6) we get, Y= 6.
Putting the value of Y=6 in equation (4) we get, X= 5.
So, at point F, X=5 and Y=6.

The area bounded by the points CAFD is the feasible region as shown in the figure 1c that satisfies all the constraints which are subject to satisfy.

Now, calculate the objective function for a random value
Let, 1000X + 850Y = 17000
So,  20X + 17Y = 340
Now, at X-axis, X=0, so, Y=20 and at Y-axis, Y=0, so, X=17. 
Draw the Iso-Cost line(red dotted line) by connecting the points (17, 20).

Now, move the Iso-cost line such that, it moves to the farthest point of the feasible region w.r.t the origin as the problem is of maximize.
Here, we can see that, the Iso-Cost line touches to the point F, which means it is the farthest point w.r.t the origin. So, the maximum value is obtained at F(5, 6). So, X=5 and Y=6 is the optimal solution to maximize the objective function.

Try Your Own

Problem 01: 
Consider, a factory manufactures article(product) A and B. A certain machine requires 1.5 hours and in addition a craftsman requires 2 hours to manufacture article A. Similarly, the machine requires 2.5 hours and in addition the craftsman requires 1.5 hours to manufacture article B.In a week the factory can avail 80hours of machine and 70 hours for craftsman's time. The profit on each article A is Rs. 5/- and on each article B is Rs. 4/-. Assume that, all the articles produced can be sold away. Find how many of each kind of articles should be produced to earn maximum profit per week.

Problem 02: 
Consider, vitamin A and B are found in two different foods F1 and F2. One unit of F1 contains 2 units of vitamin A and 3 units of vitamin B. One unit of F2 contains 4 units of vitamin A and 2 units of vitamin B.One unit of food F1 and F2 cost Rs. 5 and Rs. 2.5 respectively. Minimum daily requirement of vitamin A and B for a person is 40 and 50 units respectively. Find the optimal mix of food F1 & F2 that satisfy the requirement with minimum cost.

Problem 03: 
There are two products A and B. Cost of production(per unit) of A and B are Rs. 60 and Rs. 80, respectively. The company has to supply at least 200 units of B. One unit of product A requires 1 machine hour whereas B has a machine hours available abundantly within the company. Total machine hour available for product A is 400 hours. One unit of each product requires 1 labour hour. Total labour hour available are 500. Formulate the LP problem to minimize production cost & solve it.

Problem 04:  
A firm produces two types of gadgets A and B. Both are first processed in foundary and the goes to machine shop for finishing. The number of man hours required in each shop for the production of each unit of A and B are given in the table. Total amount of available man hours of the firm is also given.
                     Foundary          Machine shop
Gadget A               10                   5
Gadget B                6                   4
Capacity(per week)   1000                 600

Profit on the sale of gadget A and B are Rs. 30 and Rs. 20 respectively. Find the optimal solution.

Problem 05: 
A firm has an advertising budget 7,20,000. They need to allocate the total budget to magazine & television media. Estimated exposure in each page of a magazine is 60,000 and in television it is 1,20,000. Cost of each page in magazine is 9,000 and cost of each spot in television is 12,000. The firm has to advertise in at least two pages in magazine and at least three spots in television. Formulate the problem to utilize the budget with best exposure.


  1. Read the article.
    After completion of reading, please inform here (As Reply)....

  2. If you have any query/ confusion/ question regarding this article, please mention each of them as separate Comment....

  3. Please go to our departmental website for centralized attendance.
    Come back and mention here....

  4. What is mean by "Iso-profit or Iso-Cost" ?

    1. It is the name of the method, the red line is called Iso-Cost line....

  5. i have not understood step "The graphical method involves following steps: 4 Calculate the optimal solution using Iso-profit or Iso-Cost model"

    1. See figure 1c and 1d....
      Read the respective portion to get the idea of
      1) How Iso-cost line can be drawn and
      2) How the optimal(maximum here) cost can be obtained

  6. "We need to move the line according to the optimization specification. The extreme may be point or a line. If it is a point, then unique solution will be obtained. In case line appear at the extreme, there are infinite number of solutions" sir please explain it

    1. In the next class it will be explained with proper example....

    2. Think when the points A, F and D are co-linear....
      and the line is parallel to Iso-Cost line, will we get any extreme point that touches the Iso-Cost line or the entire line(AFD) will touch the Iso-Cost line as extreme...

  7. " Now, move the Iso-cost line such that, it moves to the farthest point of the feasible region w.r.t the origin as the problem is of maximize."

    what would be if the problem is of minimize .. i mean how it moves ?

    1. Look, now in this example, the Iso-Cost line touched the farthest extreme point w.r.t the origin....

    2. In case, minimization problem, the Iso-Cost line must touched the nearest extreme point w.r.t the origin....

    3. if iso cost line touches nearest extreme point F. then F should satisfy the iso cost line equation.. but it is not satisfying

    4. Firstly, it farthest extreme point....
      1000X + 850Y = 17000 was our assumption, it was not exact....
      F(5, 6) must satisfy all the constraint in "Subject to"....

    5. Assumption is okay but "Here, we can see that, the Iso-Cost line touches to the point F"

      Sir , touches mean F point lays on iso cost line mean F(5,6) should satisfy cost line..

    6. Expression of red line in figure 1c is 20X + 17Y = 340....
      What is the expression of red line in figure 1d?
      Is it 20X + 17Y = 340?....

    7. No, Now i have understand, it is totally cleared to me.. Thank You Sir For Clarification.. Thank You

  8. "All the lines with different Z1, Z2, etc will be parallel to the previous line, i.e. putting value larger than Zt will produce a line away from origin w.r.t the line with Zt and putting value smaller than Zt will produce a line toward origin w.r.t the line with Zt."
    Here, at first we have to assume values of x and y w.r.t. the objective function and draw the ISO cost line. The assumption can be any for all values of X and Y? That means ISO cost line can be numerous?

    1. No, please, think reverse....
      Assume the value of Z....
      I have taken it as the LCM of the coefficient of X and Y....
      It will not lead to any real value, it will give you integer quantity for X and Y always....

    2. As in the case of number of human or machine cannot be fraction....


    3. Yes Sir. I have understood the problem. Thankyou Sir.

    4. Any arbitrary value in Z also can be taken....
      But in that case, we need to resolve the fractional part suitably....
      The adjustment must be done very carefully, according to the characteristic of the element....

      requirement of 3.2 number of peoples will be approximated to 3 or 4?
      No it is not round of function....
      It will depend of the constraint specification....
      Sometimes it will be 3 but sometimes it will be 4 also....

  9. "Now, calculate the objective function for a random value
    Let, 1000X + 850Y = 17000"

    Sir how do we obtain the value z=17000?

    1. I have taken it as the LCM of the coefficient of 850 and 1000....
      It will not lead to any real value, it will give you integer quantity for X and Y always....

    2. Ok sir...But how do we get the next step?
      So, 20X + 17Y = 340
      Now, at X-axis, X=0, so, Y=20 and at Y-axis, Y=0, so, X=17.
      Draw the Iso-Cost line(red dotted line).

    3. By connecting(red line) the points (17, 20)....

  10. First Lab Assignment is waiting for you in your e-mail inbox....

    Time limit assigned in each experiment is very important.
    No violation will be entertained....

    1. In first two assignment, no need to go for programming....
      Make a document....
      You can use graph papers also for the plotting....
      Or, you can also draw the graphs in software also....

    2. Sir if we use graph paper for plotting.Then ,the writing part can we do it in hand(i.e., hand written in plain white paper),just like we do the HAs.

    3. No. remaining part must be done on computer documentation for lab notebook....

    4. Ok sir..thank you for the clarification

  11. Sir, How to determine that it is Iso-cost line or Iso-profit line?

    1. You are not reading others questions, rahul already asked the same question....

      See figure 1c and 1d....
      Read the respective portion to get the idea of
      1) How Iso-cost line can be drawn and
      2) How the optimal(maximum here) cost can be obtained

    2. Sir, in figure-1.c, the red line is Iso-profit line,

      Sir, I can't understand that which one is called Iso-profit line and which called Iso-Cost line.

    3. Both are same....
      One line, two names....
